Friday, October 22, 2010

I wanna be rejoicing everyday...

Our home church in Waco, Texas has set the theme for Advent this year in a single word... Rejoice! Every year we look forward to participating in Advent through the devotional book that is written and produced by the members of Lake Shore Baptist Church. They are a creatively ornery bunch of Baptists who take their calling to be Christians seriously. They do not take themselves too seriously, though and have modeled for us through the years Christian community in its Raggedy Anne glory. So I have been thinking on rejoicing...
Wednesday night after church soup supper, the girls and women gathered in the sanctuary for choir practice. I sat at the piano looking at the faces that have become so dear to me in these past few months, listened to the teasing and laughter and wondered how in the world did I get here? I am an accompanist not a choir director. Little Angel tugged on my shirt sleeve and said,”I am singing in our choir, Miss Peggy!” There was my answer. Our inter-generational women’s choir will be singing Natalie Sleeth’s new hymn “A Hymn of Promise” in worship Sunday morning. Altos, sopranos, a descant, occasional harmony of voices but beyond the sound of the music is a bubbling up joy in the new life that is coming to be at Calvary Presbyterian. Our family ties are growing stronger as we open our arms to new folks who visit and feel the difference. I am scared to death and plumb happy at the same time.
Rejoicing comes easy when all is well with your life and your soul. It gets harder to rejoice when things go wrong. When I forget to put the parking brake on the new four wheeler and it rolls down the little hill to crash into the clothesline, rejoicing is not what come to mind. When we leave the beach vacation early because mama has been taken to the emergency room with what turned out to be vertigo, it was hard to rejoice on the long ride across North Carolina. When I feel overwhelmed with all that has to be done, when I look at that dreaded to do list and see all that has not been done, when I get stuck in my circular thinking racetrack that has no beginning and no end, rejoicing does not come naturally.
First Thessalonians 5:16-20 tells me the secrets of whole hearted rejoicing. Rejoice always... pray constantly...give thanks... Do not quench the Spirit! Rejoicing does not stand alone. It comes as a package deal with prayer, thanksgiving and allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through you to the world beyond. So here is my focus for Advent this year. Dear Lord God, keep me on track this Advent as I try to live rejoicing everyday. Keep me on my knees praying. Help me remember all I have been given so that I might have a thank you list as well as a to do list. And above all, Lord, let your Spirit not be quenched in me by fear or frustration. I do so want to be a living witness for you. May it be so, please, God?

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