Friday, May 10, 2013

Standing on my head...

Our almost two year old grandson Colby came for a visit recently (along with his mother, father and brother). When he left to go home, in addition to the usual left behind socks and dirty towels, Colby left me an unintentional surprise.
In our bedroom, a wicker mannequin head sits on stacked hat boxes wearing a vintage 1950’s hat. I have a fascination, a love affair with hats. I wear hats to church every Sunday (no bad hair days) and love the feeling of instant elegance that comes with wearing a hat. I stand straighter, feel like a lady. Colby, who has none of my finer feelings for hats, stood the mannequin on her head while she was still wearing the hat.
For several days I did not notice this, seeing only what I expected to see when I looked at that space by the dresser. Then one morning I woke early after sleeping on the “wrong side” of the bed while Michael recuperated from shoulder surgery on the other side. And, there it was in all its absurd glory... I laughed out loud.
Life is all a matter of perspective. Sometimes when i am topsy turvy, standing on my head with worry, grief, anger or fear, I will remember Colby’s gift to me and take a minute to breathe and laugh a little. I will remember that the world upside down is still the same wonderful world it has always been. I will remember that my interior upside downess is a part of the gift of life for me, a gift that can lead to new ways of being and doing. I will remember that God will help me right side up myself and give thanks for all the different ways of being in this world.
Thanks Colby for the laugh and the lesson. The mannequin is still standing on her head. She is my new totem pole, my reminder of all that has gone before and all that is yet to come.