Wednesday, August 27, 2008

singing in the rain....

I put on my bright pink mucking boots, walked outdoors, turned my face up to the skies and let the rain rinse (or rinch, if you live in Texas) the red clay dust from body and soul. Yesterday I did all my farm chores in the rain without a raincoat or an umbrella, wallowing in the mud like a happy pig in a puddle. It has rained for thirty six hours so far, over two inches, and more yet to come. It came in waves so that the rain had time to soak in between showers. The grass is greening up and the birds are singing in the rain. The horses spent the day in the stable by choice and didn’t venture out until last night at dusk. Beautiful grey days and skies full of clouds of promise...
This feeling of being washed clean is intoxicating and clarifying. The world around me has sharper edges, no longer blurred by an accumulation of gravel dust. The grass blades stand up straight, not beaten down by drought. The smells of the rain world are as sweet as my butterfly bushes. The syrup kettle by my back porch is overflowing and the leaves of the water lily float to the edge. We are saved from utter despair and destruction by the rain falling from our heavens.
It is a baptism of sorts. Two days ago I was living on the edge with dust, drought and despair as my companions on daily farm chores. Today I am rebirthed, rebaptized and have another chance, an opportunity to grow again bathed in rejuvenating rain. Like the grass and flowers, I need regular rain for my spirit to grow. Droughts make my roots grow deep while my outer self shrivels. But the blessed rain lets me bloom inside and out, made new by showers of blessing.
Today I give thanks for water... rain that drenches the farm and turns the hay fields green again... rain that fills the streams and the cattle cisterns... rain that settles the dust in the road... rain that cools and bathes frogs and black snakes and box turtles... holy water that sprinkles my soul and causes me to leap for joy in my hot pink mud boots, singing “Glory, glory, hallelujah!”... “Rain in abundance, O God, you showered abroad; you restored your heritage when it languished; your flock found a dwelling in it; in your goodness, O God, you provided for those who are needy.” Psalm 68:9-10

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