Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lent, March 2... an extraordinary ordinary day

Snow is falling again this morning covering the ground with white meringue frosting. Even after all the snow and ice we have seen this winter, it is still a beautiful sight. There is no wind so the temperature is a balmy 32 degrees. Unless the temperature falls, the snow will not be around long. Michael is on his morning walk with the dogs. They love to walk whatever the weather outside is.
Last night Barney did a good job guarding the henhouse. I heard him barking a time or two chasing some night time intruder away. Unless it is freezing outside, Barney prefers to sleep in his bed on the front porch keeping an eye on things. Once or twice a night he will patrol the perimeter to assure himself that all is well.
Mama and I spent yesterday in town. She had a doctor’s appointment so we bundled all our errands together and broke the day up with lunch at the cafeteria. Mama loves the cafeteria. She and daddy used to eat in cafeterias when white gloved waiters served your table. The sight of all the choices provides an image of abundance and an opportunity to try something new. After cruising through Aldi’s, Target, Goodwill, Ross’s, the garage door opener place and Shaw Gas, we were ready to sit for a spell at the doctor’s office, content to read our books until she was called back. Supper was a put together affair of leftover roast beef and gravy, mashed potatoes, greens and creamed corn. Mama makes the best mashed potatoes in the world.
Today I will be at home all day. Feeding the horses, donkeys, cows, dogs, cats and ducks will start my day. Mucking out the stalls and cleaning the house along with washing clothes will keep me busy while I wait for the gas man to make his delivery. This unusual winter has reminded me to be grateful for the gas heat I take for granted. Sometime today if I have the time, I need to do some mending and ironing. I only have napkins to iron and I find that a soothing occupation. Perhaps I’ll make myself a cup of tea and iron while I watch a little t.v. this afternoon.
A new baby is being born into the farm family. Candace and Rodney, Gary and Leisa’s daughter and son-in-law, are having a baby boy in May so I am beginning to contemplate what I can create as a keepsake for this new life on the farm hills. All the women on the farm will help her paint her nursery since she is moving into her grandmother’s home near her mom and dad just before the baby’s birth. I sit and look at the snow falling and think of new spring life stirring that lies underneath the white blanket. A flock of robins tiptoe through the snow in the front yard and their presence confirms spring is coming.
Michael and the dogs have come in. I must go and cook breakfast. Eggs hot from the hens with Farside Farms sausage are on the morning menu. I give thanks for the ordinariness of yesterday and today, the routine, the humdrum, the daily necessities of life that make up much of my life. They are gifts from God and I forget to say thank you. So here goes... cooking, cleaning and feeding, waiting and watching, life moves on through the routine of day to day living. Today I will sing along with the Psalmist celebrating the steadfast love of God.
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
For his steadfast love endures forever...
It is he who remembered us in our low estate,
For his steadfast love endures forever,
and rescued us from our foes,
For his steadfast love endures forever,
He who gives food to all flesh,
For his steadfast love endures forever.
O give thanks to the God of heaven
For his steadfast love endures forever. Psalms 136

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