Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Horseback riding and soulwork...preparation and possibility

Junie B and I took a little ride yesterday. I am trying to ride her at least three times a week or more for both our sakes. We each need the exercise. Our time together begins with a workout in the ring. We practice “Whoa Stand”, run in circles and backing up. Running the lunge strap up and down her front legs helps her stand still if she should get her legs entangled in something. Good behavior earns pats and hugs. It is sweaty, hot work for us and patience is a virtue that is rewarded. Junie B, like me, does not respond well to yelling but stubborn persistence on my part will eventually get her focused. I wonder if horses have ADD?
And then we leave the pasture for a trip around the farm. Every ride is an adventure... sometimes a sudden spook at a horsefly bite or a trip through the trees with low lying branches. Yesterday we rode through the Sound of Music Hill, the high pasture, the low pasture, the glen and up the hill home. Diane was walking with me and opened gates as we went. Getting up on a horse is not as easy as it looked in those old western movies. My body is a little older than it used to be and I need a mounting aid of some sort. So having a helper for the gates was wonderful.
In every ride there is at least one moment of pure joy...connection between Junie B and me, my body and Junie B’s body...and I remember why I do this. Yesterday I was posting in rhythm with Junie B’s trot on top of the Sound of Music Hill, the far away view of the mountains was crystal clear and the breezes were blowing. My soul laughed out loud with joy. Junie B wanted to trot, I could feel it through the reins, and we went back and forth between Diane and the far edge of the pasture. All the sweaty preliminaries forgotten, I reveled in the pleasure of the moment and let myself feel and be present to the joy.
Junie B got distracted by her companion Dixie’s whinnying from the barn in the high pasture and lost her focus. It is impossible to be out of earshot of her cries when we ride. Soon and very soon she will be coming with us and the two girls can enjoy the pleasure of each others company. Anxious to get home, Junie B stepped up the pace and slowed down only when she had to climb the hill to get to the house. Drenched in sweat, I slid down and stood by Junie B. She leaned her head around and nuzzled me. We stood in silent sweet communion for just a moment before I opened the gate. A bath and a hoof cleaning for Junie B, evening feed for everyone and then it was time for my bath.
My soulwork is akin to my horseback riding. It is composed of hard ring work, the basics... reading my holy book the Bible, other books that stir my thoughts and cause me to spend time sitting and thinking, and stretching my boundaries of belief. Then I begin to move out. I write, I teach, I keep the nursery at church. I meet an inmate and a chaplain from the women’s prison and commit to helping. I live with Michael, my mama and the farm family. And in those practices, sneaky little moments of joy pop up. In the nursery, Darrence and Tarrence grin at me with their identical twin faces. Mama giggles and sounds like the young girl she once was. Michael rings the prayer bowl calling us to grace. I sing a hymn in worship to Miss Winnie’s accompaniment and looking out the window, I see the mountains. Grace notes in a song of thanksgiving and joy... not possible without the preparation so that I might be focused and have eyes to see and ears to hear. It is more than enough for me today and I am grateful. Thanks be to God for preparation and possibility.

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