Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cheer

I hover on the edge of Christmas Joy with the house cleaned and made ready. The new heifer Biscuit lies next to Ferd the old bull waiting for breakfast hay. The sun shines on the far mountain tops this morning and I begin my Christmas Litany of joy and thanksgiving.
I am grateful for children and grandchildren who come home to the farm all year long, not just at Christmas. My mother’s presence at the farm has given my grandchildren the opportunity to know their great-grandmother, to hear her stories, to know her name and her person and I give thanks for family tradition embodied.
Other families have come to the farm and we will gather for Christmas Eve service in the new old high barn that Michael has been working so hard on. The Moravian Star hangs at the barn’s eve and the Christmas tree, decorated with Gary’s old multi-colored lights, shines in the distance like a stained glass window. Built in 1950, the old barn nearly collapsed but with the help of our talented friend Jim who loves old barns, it stands tall and proud once again, ready for a new life. The sight of the barn at the top of our hill is one of our picture postcard sights on the farm. I celebrate and give thanks for all who have worked long and hard to make it ready for Christmas.
My heart sings and my soul rejoices when I remember worship at Calvary Presbyterian last Sunday. After being snowed out the Sunday before, our community took twice as long to pass the peace. Miss Louise hugged me every time we passed each other as we circled the sanctuary. I love the old ladies in our church. They ground us and keep our backbones starched and in place. Ashley, a middle schooler, danced as LaJuana sang “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” from the balcony. The ladies choir sang even though we had only had two practices. We sounded good.
But the topper, the Magnificat for the morning was Alexis’ solo. Alexis and Diamond, cousins, caught me during the passing of the peace and asked if they could sing a song for me. During the sermon we went downstairs and I listened to this beautiful little African American girl sing a song she had written... Thank you Lord for standing by me. Her voice was clear and she sang beautifully. I took them upstairs and Alexis sang for the offertory with her cousin Diamond sitting on the step beside her. She sang it twice, small of voice but poised and happy. Next time she sings I will see to it that we have a mike for her. My heart bubbled over with joy.
I will continue to sing praises and give thanks this week as I dance my way to the manger. There is much to celebrate and even more to say grace over. Christmas Cheer to you all and may your hearts be made light with laughter. May our souls sing grace and thanksgiving to the One who came as one of us so that we might know God In Us. Great is thy faithfulness, oh God our father (and mother, Mary Lynn) the old hymn says. It is from sorrow, peace from discord, silence from clamor, healing from hurt and hope for bright tomorrows. Thanks be to God.

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