Thursday, January 15, 2009

Known but not seen...

The far away mountains are dimly seen through blowing snow this morning... ghostly images of white gray rippling ranges that fade into a seamless curtain of white. Our highest temperature today is only in the mid-twenties with a low tonight of 7. Gusting winds will produce a wind chill factor of minus 11.
Winter at Sabbath Rest Farm is bone chilling wind and snow with moments of sun warmed grace. The horses eat their hay on the sheltered side of the stable, protected from the harsh blasts and warmed by the sun that shines in a clear blue diamond sky. Horse, donkey, horse, donkey...feeding side by side secure in the knowledge that more hay and grain will come as it is needed. Barn cats emerge from tunnels in the hay waiting for a pat and breakfast. Cows in the leaning barn moo and ask for hay and lots of it as I open the door to speak to them. This afternoon I will put out some hay and grain for the deer who roam our farm, protected and watched over by us all. The four young does who travel together, the impressive old buck with big antlers, the deer who bed down by the outdoor Christmas cedar... they need a winter meal to take the edge off the cold wind.
I am grateful this morning for my Christmas present... insulated Carrhart coveralls that zip up and enclose me in a warm cocoon. As I travel from one feeding station to another, the hood holds me snugly and wards off the stiff wind gusts. I move surrounded by warmth and protection that buffer winter’s killing cold, doing morning chores and singing the Old One Hundredth Doxology... Praise God from Whom all blessings flow... Praise Him all creatures here below...
Winter reminds me that we all live close to the edge. A change in health, a death, a financial crisis, an unexpected job loss, any circumstance that causes us to feel the harsh blasts of
an out of control life can make us feel lost and alone. But as I look around the farm, I see grace and blessing in the midst of freezing cold. Warm sheltered places... gathered around the dinner table with friends, sharing soup... worship with those I know well and love dearly... web cam calls to grandchildren who run to see me calling “nana, nana, nana”...Barney and Rufus sleeping side by side on the sofa in the away room...narcissus bulbs, a gift from a friend, sending green shafts straight up in the air... snow dancing wildly in the wind blowing hither and yon... candles burning and scenting the rooms with bayberry and cinnamon... God’s creatures wishing me a good morning as their breakfast bearer... my Carrhart coverall of grace is sufficient for this day.
Sometimes God’s grace is known by my head but not seen with my eyes of faith. Like the mountains that fade away into a curtain of white, God is always present even when I cannot see clearly. This day I see and know I am blessed. I am graced. I am loved. I am blessing. I am gracing. I am loving. Thanks be to God.

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