Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear Diary...

November 30th

Dear Diary,
It is rainy this morning. A pale imitation of the sun peeks out now and then in between showers. I head out around 8:45 to let the chickens out and throw them some scraps. Then down to the horse barn to feed and scoop poop. Since Ferd began living in the horse pasture there is more poop to scoop under the run in where he walks to the water trough. The farrier is coming today so I try to tidy up the stable area so he can work comfortably.
As I walk up the hill to the house, Gary drives up in the Kubota with baby Grayson. They are out riding around since it is raining and Gary can’t do much outdoor work today. We chat a little while about fencing and other farm folderol while the baby boy drifts in and out of sleep.
After he leaves, I head down to the leaning barn and throw five bales of hay in the back of the mule then put the four wheel drive in gear to navigate the muddy fields. The cows are waiting for me. I dip out some feed and while they eat feed I stuff the manger with three bales of hay. I can’t lift the bales over my head to clear the top bar so I cut them and put them in. Two bales go out on the ground.
When I get back to the house it is 10:45 and time to start making my calls for the day while I wash clothes. No hanging clothes out on the line today but all this rain will fill Tim and Jeannie’s cisterns. We are not satisfied with our farm insurance package and I am calling around gathering information.
Called various insurance agents and am going to take copies of our current insurance coverage to two agencies tomorrow as well as talk to our current agency. I called a farm on top of Doggett Mountain, talked to the owners and had a lovely conversation about their operation. They rent three cabins, have 240 acres, Belted Galloway cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, guineas and are open year round. They were recently featured in Southern Living as a vacation destination.
Natalie came to work the horses and take a little ride. I am still washing clothes. 12:45- time for lunch break.
After lunch I paid bills, made calls about bills and checked on mama’s home insurance. Natalie came in afer her ride and we visited a little. Junie B was slipping and sliding on the wet clay so she walked her back home from the low pasture. The farrier showed up and I spent time down at the stable with him as he trimmed hooves on the donkeys and horses. Junie B looks like a mud puppy. Dixie is always much neater. Still washing clothes.
After the farrier leaves I will go to Weaverville to get a birthday card for Alison so we can get it in the mail tomorrow. Hard to believe all my small children now have children of their own. 5:30... The farrier left around four so I zipped into Weaverville. Came home to feed and bed down cows and horses and donkeys for the night before I cook supper. Cows were waiting for me at the gate. They had finished all the hay I put out in the morning so I replenished the manger. Cold wet weather ups their need for hay since we have no grass in the pastures. Still washing clothes.
I ate supper with mama while Michael made a run to Lowe’s. I will be starting to paint the quilt panel that will hang on the end of the barn and it needs to be framed in. Made a plate for Michael, came home and watched my favorite tv show, folded clothes and went to bed. Thus endeth this day.
Bully took treats from my hand. Dora let me pet her. Dixie loved on me. Junie B sang her throaty little song to me. Ferd smiled when I gave him grain. Barney ran to the fields with me. I ate lunch with a purring cat in my lap. I loved on a baby boy. This was the day the Lord made and I rejoiced and was glad in it.

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